Our Courses

TLILIC0004 Licence to operate an order picking forklift truck

This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to operate an order picking forklift truck safely in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements. Competence in this unit, does not in itself result in a HRWL licence to operate this plant. Order picking forklift truck means an order picking forklift truck where the operator controls are incorporated with the lifting media and elevate with the lifting media. A person performing this work is required to hold an order picking forklift truck High Risk Work Licence (HRWL). This unit requires a person operating an order picking forklift truck to: plan for the work/task prepare for the work/task perform work/task pack up

TLILIC0004 Licence to operate an order picking forklift truck

  • Courde Code TLILIC0004
  • Study Area(s Licence to operate an order picking forklift truck
  • Campus 2/1 Millers Road, Brooklyn VIC 3012
  • Course Length 2 Days



2 Day course 8 hours each day

There are no additional details provided for this course.

TLILIC0004  Licence to operate an order picking forklift truck